Hidden Quirks of JavaScript `for...in` Loops
The C-style three-expression for loop in JavaScript is often viewed as old school or awkward beginner style. Some developers automatically use a for...of, foreach, or for...in statement instead. But the latter has a subtle pitfall that can lead to unexpected behaviour.

Creating E-Invoices with Free and Open Source Software
Starting 1 January 2025, electronic invoicing will become mandatory for all B2B transactions in Germany. Several other countries in the European Economic Area have already adopted similar requirements, or will soon follow suit. As a result, many businesses in Germany are racing to implement electronic invoicing solutions, though many face challenges along the way. Discover how you can simplify this process by generating electronic invoices in multiple formats — using only free and open-source software.

Dynamic Angular Configuration
Angular apps traditionally rely on static configuration through environment files, necessitating separate builds for each environment ‐ a cumbersome process in practical scenarios. In this blog post, we describe an alternative, where configuration is loaded dynamically at runtime, streamlining development and enhancing flexibility. As an additional benefit, we will validate the configuration against a schema and add type-safety to it.

Compiling ImageMagick for Perl
Compiling PerlMagick, the Perl binding for ImageMagick, is a major pain in the neck, as it almost never works out of the box. Check out this blog post to discover an effortless solution to that tedious task. Say goodbye to manual tinkering and compiling headaches and hello to use Image::Magick!
Standalone Angular Tour Of Heroes
The popular Angular Tutorial Tour of Heroes currently does not work as described with recent Angular versions (Angular 18) because the Angular command-line tool now creates a standalone Angular app by default. You could avoid these problems by creating a non-standalone app but it is also quite instructive to just fix the problems yourself and stick with the standalone version.